Anna Peterson
Anna Peterson joined the SASCO board in 2013. She has worked professionally for 20 years on campaigns focused on corporate social responsibility, public lands, human rights, immigration, public health, conservation, food safety, and climate issues. She has worked with many corporations, small businesses, elected officials, health care organizations, foundations, and conservation groups. She also served as the Director of Operations, Finance, and HR for an Outdoor Industry communications agency for six years. Anna runs her own communications firm and works with non-profits, corporations, and small businesses to expand their reach, power, and change-making abilities to win campaigns. She is also an executive director of an organization that works with local elected officials in mountain communities across the west. Anna has been fortunate to live in many of the West’s best mountain towns and has lived in Durango for over 15 years. Anna also serves on the boards of other local organizations.
What you are currently doing to make a difference? I’ve been a vegetarian for thirty years and we love to eat what we can from our backyard garden, the farmers market, and local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and then compost our waste via Table to Farm Compost! I also love attending the monthly Durango Green Drinks (last Thursday of the month from 5-7PM at 11th Street Station) to learn about all of the great sustainability actions local organizations are doing and how I can contribute!
What I want to do? We’d love to add solar panels to our home and buy an electric car. We also try to buy locally but could be better. I work on federal conservation policies in my day-to-day job, but could be better about actually calling my congressional delegation more regularly via the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to make my voice heard. I also want to be better about submitting more letters to the editor to the Durango Herald and speaking up at city council and county commission meetings.